Monday, January 12, 2009

Grrz.. The groan slipped out as I rolled over and stretched. I'd forgotten what a good nights rest felt like, Sterling made a full recovery and promised never to be stupid like that again. Getting to sleep in my own bed after a month of hovering over Sterling's every breath felt so so amazing. I love the boy to death but his house was a wreck and I spent two straight days cleaning when i got there. The sky was just darkening when I gingerly threw the covers off and walked over to check the message boards from work. The newest employees were babies to the world and had no idea what they'd gotten themselves into, it's wrong to laugh but there was no stopping the laughter even after my sides started hurting. Sin has decided that we are what we are and nothing more. We are each other's safe havens. I've here for him even when he's not there for me. Nothin' Nite keeps threatening to send me overseas if I don't chill out on scaring the bubble-headed air brains. I can't help it that what they think is "normal" is revolting to every one of my senses. I've recently acquired a new pair of shiny boots that I can't wait to get modified blades in the toes. This and only this has kept me on Nothin' Nites payroll. If I'm jobless I can't buy boots with the modifications that make them perfect for myself. ^_^ They assigned me a partner even though I've always worked alone. Upsetting my life routine must be a fun for some paper-pushin'-all-talk-no-action little weasel for the record his name is Requiem. Am hoping that he was at least considerate enough that am not stuck with one of the newbies. If so I'll lose all credability with the guys as being the best of the best. It took me forever to be accepted as an equal being the only girl that talked the talked and backed up everything with precision. I have to go meet this individual that has been pulled into the sucking vortex that is my world.

-A. Raynn


Girl Power!! said...

so i think you need to put all of these little journal entries together and make a book :)

much love!