Friday, March 27, 2009

Where to start, where to start.. Nothin' Nite as been down my throat, choking the life out of me since they found out that Styxx was living with me. They tried to reassign him but he won't work with anyone other then me. It's flattering, they should be happy.. They wanted me to have a partner and now that I've made a connection with him they told me that they were wrong and I worked better on my own. I know who told them. Sin!! Sin Evers is going to grow up or he's going to wind up with my pretty boot in an unpretty spot. He's having a temper tantrum because I'm happy, I'm with a guy who doesn't want to change anything about me. Styxx loves my imperfections almost as much as he loves Zombie Ky and my Skelanimal blanket. The only reason that Styxx hasn't killed him and made sure that there was no body left to identify is because I asked him not to. I now realize it was a really really stupid decision on my part to ask that of him. Moving on to happier topics, Sterling has a girlfriend and she's amazing. The four of us have actually been on multiple double dates and surprisingly I felt relief when I saw the way they looked at each other.
I gotta run...
- A. Raynn